Friday, 14 February 2014

The Old, The New, The History, The Art.

Antique Iron found in a Sunday market.

I have always had a great respect for crafting and the arts. I love collecting old sewing peices and fabrics whenevr I can find them. When I learned how (or taught myself) how to quilt, it was difficult. I loved it, but I did not have any of the fundamentals, I had never even heard of a quarter inch seem. I then discovered the internet where I constantly heard “do as you like” and “there are no quilt police!” As an intermediate quilter now I can tell you that forgetting the rules really gives us room for original and creative quilts. However, as a beginner, without the rules I truly couldn’t make anything I felt proud of. It is just a thought, but maybe in the beginning we really should be focusing on the details, the rules, and maybe anticipate a very kind quilt police woman helping us along ;)! 

A scissor, bobbin and needle set, over 100 years old, Germany

When quilts began in Canada, many rural women did not have the means or time to create their own art, or express their creativity in the ways we have access to today. Their quilts were truly functional, essential pieces of their homes, and they were also one of the only places we can look at these pioneer ladies artworks. These quilts are so exciting to find, inherent and collect because they sometimes were the only 'art' that these ladies may have ever had access to. I believe that quilting is still functioning in that form today, I know I get a lot of people who expect quilts, or love my quilts as gifts, and throughout the year I feel like I satisfy my need to create, and also my need to give to others who are close to me. 

Bottom of my Singer, circa 1930's.

Here in Canada it is said that even men quilted in the pioneer days. Quilting in Canada is also siad to have mostly happened in the winter time when the cold was too dangerous to venture out in. This allowed for some time to stay warm around the fire and quilting became a needed, but also a family event.

Top of my 1930's singer. 

I love knowing that when I quilt, I am participating in an art that all the wives and mothers in the cold Canadian winters also participated in. That is why I feel we must respect the quilting rules, that being said, always remember to be creative and original and not get too stuck on something you are not enjoying. I find I am happiest when I take turns doing a traditional quilt, then maybe a fun modern piece. There is no denying we are in 2014 and the quilt world has changed, but we can not forget where we started!

A very messy day in my sewing room. Some traditional blocks on the design wall. 

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